News: "Dances with Guzheng" - Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble 2019 Annual Concert

"Dances with Guzheng" - Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble 2019 Annual Concert


Dance, Dance, Dance!  Let's dance with Guzheng!  Tango, samba, pop, and oriental dances, we will rock the house!  Come join us on 4:00pm, September 15th at Bonita Center for the Arts.

Program Highlights:

"Summer Samba", guzheng trio
"Tico Tico no Fuba" guzheng/piano/drum
"Dance" guzheng duet

"Rolling in the Deep" guzheng duet
"Green Says" guzheng solo
"Morning Rise" guzheng/piano concerto
and many more

Tickets $20 at door
VIP $50

Pre-order before September 10th for $15 a ticket, and $40 for a VIP seat!  Tickets will be will-call.  Pick up at the door.

唐韻古箏樂團今年的公演將在9月15日下午4:00pm在Bonita Center for Arts舉辦!今年的主題『群箏樂舞』,讓我們用古箏音樂與您一同共舞,搖滾、森巴、探戈和各式民族舞,一起來跳吧
精彩曲目有"舞","Tico Tico no Fuba","翠語"和"晨興"古箏鋼琴協奏曲等。當然少不了向新梅老師最新重奏作品"Rolling in the Deep"、 "夏日森巴",還有今年最愛歡迎的電視劇主題曲"知否知否"!洛衫磯的朋友千萬不要錯過呦!





